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non-native English Teacher Wanted in a kinergarten in zhenzhou, henan Province

Education/Teaching | Full-time | Zhengzhou | Posted by:chinaexpat8813     Mar 22 11:25      share
Email:205446785@qq.com​    Tel:18140549486     Working City:Zhengzhou   Hits:

non-native English Teacher Wanted in a kinergarten in zhenzhou, henan Province

Job Description:

Location:  zhenzhou, henan Province

 Job Type: Full time

Vacancy: 1  

Starting Date: asap

Type of student: 3-6years old kids

Workload:  2-3teaching hrs/day  five kidnergarten, each day one kidnergarten (with the driver picking up and accompanying with chinese teacher)      

         weekend off 

Contract duration: 1 year


Compensation and Benefits

Monthly salary: 7-9K /m

Accommodation: provided by the school

Z(work) visa: by the teacher  


Requirements and qualification:

1. Black is preferred

2. A Bachelor’s degree or above

3. teaching experience


Application documents needed:

If you are interested in the position, please send the following documents to Petrel:

1.Resume with recent photo

2.Photocopy of your passport and visa

3.Highest degree copy

4.Tefl certificate

Report Abuse     Jobs Offered ID: 13289

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